Residential Solutions
An Aquatrip Leak Detection System is a simple low cost investment in your home that will monitor all your plumbing for years to come.

Existing Homes and Apartments
All homes, especially those with older plumbing systems can benefit from having an AquaTrip to monitor and protect them from leaks and burst pipes. AquaTrip has systems that can be quickly and easily added to existing homes with minimal installation time. They can be fitted either in the garage or basement or kitchen where the main water pipe comes into the house, OR out at the water meter where the water comes in from the street. (environmental conditions permitting)

New Home Builds
Building your dream home is probably the largest investment you will ever make. Make sure you install an Aquatrip leak detection system to protect it. The advantage of a new home build is that the Aquatrip can be easily integrated into the home, and hard wired into the wifi, electrical and plumbing system for ultimate plumbing control and home automation.
Holiday Homes
Considering that holiday homes are unoccupied for long periods of the year, and are only used for a few weeks at a time, an unknown leak or burst pipe will cause massive damage until it is discovered. Let Aquatrip give you peace of mind by monitoring and protect your holiday home while you are away.

Holiday Homes
Considering that holiday homes are unoccupied for long periods of the year, and are only used for a few weeks at a time, an unknown leak or burst pipe will cause massive damage until it is discovered. Let Aquatrip give you peace of mind by monitoring and protect your holiday home while you are away.

Rainwater Tanks
To protect from losing precious tank water in a total water loss situation. If you depend on collecting and using rain water, and a leak occurs, the resulting loss of water could drain the tank dry, often burning out the pump and wasting a tank full of water in the process.
Hot Water Systems and other Appliances
In 2013 there were 810000 incidents of water heater failure in the US, many more go unreported, but all cause flooding and damage when they occur.
AquaTrip has Wetness Detectors specially designed to detect the wetness caused by the leak as soon as it occurs and shut off the water. These systems can protect from localised flooding caused by a leak or burst pipe from a hot water system, water dispenser, dishwasher, washing machine or icemaker. These appliances can be protected using either our flow or sensor based systems as you are monitoring a single appliance.

Subsistence Housing
Governments in many developing countries are not able to supply sufficient drinking water for new large scale subsistence housing estates - where the water supply is insufficient to cater for the number of homes required to be connected to the water supply.
AquaTrip has developed and implemented specific systems to allow authorities to limit and control the amount of water used by a single house or all houses in a community. By being able to ration supply, while still maintaining supply, existing supplies go further and more houses can be connected to the mains knowing that no one can use more than their allowance, while at the same time making sure everyone always has enough water - all the time.